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 Halloween Special 

Halloween Night         

Ding dong

What a sight

The children sing their song

On Halloween night


There’s a witch and a clown

What a fright

They’re all over town

On Halloween night


Collecting candy

On Halloween night

A flashlight might come in handy

On this night

Halloween NIght

Mackenna M.

A. He had no body to dance with

Q. Why didn’t the  skeleton dance at the party?

Q. What kind of makeup do ghosts wear?

A. Mas-car-a

Q. What did Dracula have for dessert?

A. Whine and Ice Scream

Q. What is a vampire’s favorite holiday?

A. fangsgiving

Q. What is it like to be kissed by a vampire?

A. It's a pain in the neck.

Q. What was the witch's favorite subject in school?

A. Spelling

Movie Review:Goosebumps
Ethan S.

Are you looking for a movie that will give you goosebumps?  Enjoy the thrill as all of the monsters from R. L. Stine's famous Goosebumps series come to life in the film Goosebumps, now playing in select theaters.


The movie centers around a kid named Zack who moves to Detroit with his mom.  He meets a strange girl who turns out to be the daughter of the famed writer, R. L. Stine.  They uncover a set of locked books in Stine's library and mistakenly set loose Flabby the dummy!  Up to mischief, Flabby sets all of the monsters from the novels free!


Will R.L. Stine and the teens be able to stop Flabby and all of the monsters?  Go check out the movie to see for yourself.

Book Review: Night of the Living Dummy

Joshua E


Night of the Living Dummy is one of the first books R.L Stine made. And it is also one of the best books he made. It is very popular, because most people are afraid of dummies.


The book starts out with two twin sisters who find a dummy, and they say the “Magic words” that make him come alive. (Please note, the picture is not the one I’m talking about, look for the new one, and that’s what I’m talking about). R.L Stine did a very good job on this book. The original one was released in May 1993. The original one and new one both are scary. 


I think the original one is scarier than the new one. But if you look at is splat stats, a new thing in the new version, his humor is very high. He does crack a lot of jokes. But there was someone before Slappy, and his name is Mr.Wood. He was the one who haunted the girls first, then he was ran over by a cement machine. But then after he was destroyed, well, something again happened badly. Then the story ended. I’m not going to give the ending away, you are just going to have to read it yourself. You can check it out at the BMS Library.

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